Sunday, April 27, 2008

M(eye) at AGORA

Hello AGORA participant,

If you have been to at least one AGORA until now, I think you might have heard of M(eye), the official AGORA newspaper.
Public Relations Working Group will realise the AGORA newspaper also in Ljubljana, so that the ones that could not be present stay updated and informed.

In order to give the network the best news, we need YOU to keep your eyes open during the AGORA, catch the unexpected and provide us a short article.

If you are coming to the AGORA and want to be a reporter for the network, just give me a reply to , until Tuesday, April, 30th at 24.00 CET, and I will tell you the rest.

Seriously creative,
On behalf of the Public Relations Working Group,
Violeta Joitoiu
PRWG Secretary


Unknown said...

Hello M(Eye)!

We are the first ones commenting here! The Flagship Project Team has already started the AGORA unofficially with our first meeting. We hope to see you all in the party tonight near the Celica Hostel!!

AEGEE Alicante (on behalf of the Flagship Project Team)

Kostas said...

Hello everybody!

It s so good to see M(eye) Agora in a blog version ;-) Of course, cant wait to have in my hands the paper version during Agora as well!

Warm greetings from Ljubljana!!


Public Relation Working Group of AEGEE Europe said...

Kostas, thank you for commeting on our blog.

Unfortunately we will not have any printed version in Ljubljana.

As you all might now, we had a printed version in Valletta that we also sent to the network in a pdf format. This way we could reach both target groups: participants and network. Because in Ljubljana we do not have any printing possibilities, we had to chose one of the two target groups. This way we chose to do it only for the network, in a more efficient, modern and simple way: a blog!

We hope you will enjoy our blog and contribute to his content with more comments.

On behalf of the PRWG Board,
Violeta Joitoiu
PRWg Secretary/PR

Unknown said...

I like the idea of this blog. I have already forwarded the link to A-London members who are mostly all new to AEGEE, btw.

Hopefully, reading about the agora may encourage new people to consider participating in these international meetings.

Keep up the good work!

Carol Thompson