Friday, April 16, 2010

Opening Plenary

The Opening Plenary has been quite an extraodinary one, as you might have read on Twitter.
Even though the start went quite fluently a couple of delays caused the Opening plenary not to be finished. Also, the Activity Report Sessions have not yet taken place.

The first delay came when the bodies had to vote whether the candidature lists for the audit commission and juridical commission had to be opened again. Unfortunately due to many juridical issues it took lots of time to get the voting done, that only the voting for the audit commission was done. Afterwards it was decided that the canditate lists for the audit commission, juridical commission and for position of the Secretary of the Agora would still be open till saturday morning. So if you still want to candidate: candidate!

The next holdback was a firealarm during the presentation of the Comité Directeur. The entire building had to be cleared and no one seemed to know what was going on. After the firebrigade declared the building safe it was about time for lunch.

Right now the prytannia have started. What will happen to the rest of the Opening Plenary and the Activity Report Sessions we will see. It has not been announced officially yet..

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