Monday, April 13, 2009

Only two more days...

Reading the Agora's agenda, it is sure that there is no boring event coming up. While all agenda points will be interesting and worth attending, there are, nevertheless, some agenda points which deserve special attention.

Starting on Wednesday, we can already look forward to the Opening Ceremony, before the real content starts only on Thursday. For all participants who attend their first Agora, the "Speed course: Handle your own Agora" is a must, as everything will be explained which is relevant to understand the Agora.

In the morning of Thursday, another highlight comes up as the CD will present their Activity Report then. Considering a lot of discussions on AEGEE-L, we can assume that a good number of questions will be asked, e.g. about the logo, the Intranet, democracy and transparency.
While Thursday, with more Activity Reports in the afternoon, mainly looks back, the agenda turns to the future on Thursday event, where we see an agenda point which is not included in every Agora - a "Quo vadis AEGEE?" meeting which has already been explained on aegee-l.

Friday will also deal with the future, as the plenary has the chance to see candidates' presentations and to ask the candidates questions.
Some more interesting issues will be discussed during the progress meetings, with topics such as Visual Identity (which includes the logo), Intranet and the next Flagship topic. Especially the logo and the Intranet already caused some debates on our mailing-lists.

With the Convention d'Adhesion, the presentation of Flagship topic proposals and the voting session, Saturday also sees some highlights.

Sunday will be departure day. Nevertheless, there is the chance for Working Groups, Commissions and Project teams to meet.

Let's hope the Agora will be constructive, questions will be answered, and AEGEE can answer the Quo vadis question a bit better.

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